Abraham Van Norman
2nd Regiment York Militia

Biographical information about Abraham Van Norman
compiled by W. R. Cummins June 17, 2013.

Ephraim Van Norman b PA 1762 married Betsy Minor about 1781 in PA; served in American army during the revolutionary period; had 6 children born in PA. Son Abram (sic Abraham Van Norman) was born at Beechwoods PA 1791, 14 miles from Delaware River.

Early Van Norman Genealogy by H. Van Norman Strohmer 1969 Detroit Michigan.

Abram VanNorman was born A.D. 1791 … on the top of the Allegheny Mountain, in Pennsylvania, 14 miles from the Delaware River, in a large two-story frame house, built by a Quaker in Philadelphia who owned the property. It was seven miles from any house in one direction, and six miles the other — on the only road traveled from Philadelphia to Canada. All the houses along this road were built for the accommodation of the traveling community, and were accordingly much larger than any private family required.

He (Abraham) was a volunteer in the war of 1811 (sic the United States declared war in 1812), and took part in the celebrated battle of Queenston, where, as in other engagements, the Indians rendered great service to the British cause.

A speech by Johnson Van Norman (son in-law of Abraham Van Norman) recorded by Rev. Alfred L. Andrews (1834-1919) a Wesleyan Methodist Minister, and published The Tilsonburg Observer, 14 Aug 1874.

Abraham’s birthplace was in Wallenpaupack Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. Wallenpaupack is 20 miles east of Scranton near Hawley, Pennsylvania. Lake Wallenpaupack was formed by a dam constructed about 1927.

He is a cousin of Abner’s and son of Abram Van Norman. They used to live down here but they took a notion that they would do better at Dereham where their daughter Christiana lives. She married a Mr. Hogan. They have two children.

Catherine Bell Van Norman Her Diary 1850 (24 Jan 1850) Burlington Historical Society: Burlington, Ontario, Griffin, 1981.

Abram and Charity Van Norman moved to Dereham Forge (Tillsonburg) in Dereham Township, Oxford County, Canada West about 1848.

“We received a letter from Uncle Abram tonight. He says they are all well. They are living by themselves at last. Grandfather lives with them. He makes brooms. Uncle says Aunt Charity is as fat as a well fed porker. This is good news. Her eyes are much better. She had very sore eyes when they lived down here. They entertain a hope that Jonathan is going to settle himself there in Tilsonburg but I think they will be sadly mistaken for once.”

Catherine Bell Van Norman Her Diary 1850 (5 Feb 1850) Burlington Historical Society: Burlington, Ontario, Griffin, 1981.

  • Abraham Vannorman 61 male United States New Con Methodist plasterer
  • Charity Vannorman 56 female Canada West New Con Methodist
  • Mary Vannorman 26 female Canada West New Con Methodist
  • Hannah Vannorman 19 female Canada West New Con Methodist
  • Lovina Adams 9 female Canada West New Con Methodist
  • Geo. Foster 21 male Canada West New Con Methodist from North Oxford C. W.

1852 census Dereham Township, Oxford County, Canada West 261 page 13a, (25) lines 7-12.

  • Abraham Van Norman male 70 US NCMeth married baker in family
  • Charity Van Norman female 66 UC NCMeth married in family
  • James Hand male 26 England NCMeth single journeyman baker not in family
  • Eliz’th Campbell female 18 UC WesMeth single not in family
  • 1 family in a 1 1/2 storey frame house, near school teachers Harriet E. & Roxilana Van Norman
  • next door to 29 y/o Leonard & Mary C. Hogan
  • near 28 y/o Hannah E. Van Norman
  • near John & Roxilana Crooker

1861 census Dereham Township, Oxford County, Canada West district 3 number 7 page 54 lines 3-6 image 923.

  • Johnson Van Norman male 41 Ont NCMeth German married farmer
  • Hannah Van Norman female 38 Ont NCMeth German married
  • Bertha Van Norman female 16 Ont NCMeth German farmer
  • Hiram Van Norman male 14 Ont NCMeth German at school
  • Minnie Van Norman female 12 Ont NCMeth German at school
  • Benjamin A. Van Norman male 9 Ont NCMeth German at school
  • Chales M. Van Norman male 4 Ont NCMeth German
  • Abram Van Norman male 79 USA NCMeth German mason
  • Charity Van Norman female 75 Ont NCMeth German

1871 census South Oxford E.D., Norwich South Township, Oxford County, Ontario 13B1 on Apr 17 by H. Hught page 16 dwelling 44 household 50 lines 7-15 image 9/89.

Abraham Van Norman male Methodist gentleman born Pensylvania (sic Pennsylvania), United States of America died 2 Nov 1879 aged 88 years of natural decay through old age certified by Dr. Sinclair informed by Hannah E. Van Norman of South Norwich. “Particulars sent by letter of this death by Hannah E. Van Norman. ”

Death registered 26 Dec 1879 by John Cooper, divisional registrar, South Norwich Township, Oxford County, Ontario # 010870.

Died: Vannorman. At Glen Norman, South Norwich on the third inst., Abraham Van Norman in the 89th year of his age. Mr. Van Norman was one of the first settlers in the township of Nelson, Co. of Halton and was amongst the first to take up arms in defence of his adopted country when it was invaded by the United States army in 1812. He fought bravely in several hot battles particularly at Chippewa, Lundy’s Lane and Queenston Heights.

The struggle ended and peace declared, he returned to his home and friends, a pardonable flush of pride on his brow in that he had done his duty bravely and faithfully for the protection of the property and lives of those he loved.

He came to Tillsonburg about the year 1848, since when he led a peaceful, industrious, and exemplary life; was a useful citizen, a faithful friend, a loving husband, and tender parent, esteemed by all. Relatives, friends and neighbours always had his hearty good will and sympathy.

After many hard struggles, many years of life’s cares, and a few of its highest pleasures, our aged friend has passed away to the home beyond the river.

The funeral sermon will be preached on Sunday next at 10:30 a. m. in the C. M. Church by Rev. D. Savage.

The Tillsonburg Observer, Friday 7 Nov 1879, page 1, column 3.
Abraham & Charity Van Norman
Abram Van Norman

William Horricks
6th (1st Warwickshire)
Regiment of Foot

Born December 18, 1789 near Manchester, Lancashire, England, in January 1807, at the age of 18, William Henry Horricks enlisted in the British Army as a Private in the 6th Regiment of Foot.  In army records his surname is also spelled Horrocks and Horrax. From April of that year through June 1808 he served garrison duty at Gibraltar then, that summer, became part of a force landed at Mondego Bay, Portugal, joining the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley (later Duke of Wellington).

Continue reading William Horricks
6th (1st Warwickshire)
Regiment of Foot

Charles Rainsford
104th Regiment of Foot

Charles Rainsford was commissioned as an Ensign in the New Brunswick Regiment of Fencible Infantry on 17 July 1806 and was promoted to Lieutenant on 25 November 1808.  The regiment was elevated to line status in 1810 and became the 104th Regiment of Foot.  Rainsford participated in the epic march from Fredericton to Kingston in the winter of 1813 and appears to have been at the Battle of Sackets Harbor on 29 May 1813.  He served with the regiment in Upper Canada (Ontario) during the war and in Lower Canada (Quebec) after the war ended.  Rainsford was promoted to Captain on 6 June 1815.

Continue reading Charles Rainsford
104th Regiment of Foot

James Keating
Royal Artillery

James Keating was born in the parish of Templeshort, county of Wexford, Ireland in 1786. His father was murdered when James was in his teens which likely prompted him to join the Royal Regiment of Artillery at the age of 18 in 1804.

He received a medal for his good service at Martinique and eventually made his way to the Canadas for the War of 1812.

Continue reading James Keating
Royal Artillery

1814 and The Treaty of Ghent

200 years later

Graveside Project Team
The Graveside Project Team (Left to Right) Dave Brunelle, Lyn Downer and Seaghan Hancocks.

We commemorate the signing of the Treaty of Ghent on Christmas Eve 1814 to end the War of 1812, which was formally ratified by the United States on February 18, 1815 to cease hostilities. The Treaty of Ghent was signed December 24 1814 between 4 pm and 6 pm by British and American Diplomats ending the War of 1812 and defining the borders of Canada.

Continue reading 1814 and The Treaty of Ghent