Crown Forces
2nd Battle
Sackets Harbor

Marker for the 2nd Battle of Sackets HarborThe British Raid
on the
American Naval Base at
Sacket’s Harbor, 1813

When the campaign season opened in April 1813, the United States planned to exploit their control of Lake Ontario by attacking Kingston, York and Fort George in the Niagara, with a force assembled at Sackets Harbor. As American intelligence indicated the defences at Kingston were formidable, it was decided to first attack York and then hold it until a relief force was detached from Fort George to reclaim it. The Americans would then make a lightening move across Lake Ontario, reduce that fort and, aided by an army that would cross the river, secure the Canadian side of the Niagara. Afterwards, a blockade was to be established at Kingston to contain the British naval squadron. American Commodore Chauncey would then proceed direct to Lake Erie and then “destroy” British naval power, take Malden and Detroit, and then proceed into Lake Huron and attack Mackinac. Continue reading Crown Forces
2nd Battle
Sackets Harbor

Colin Mackenzie
1st Regiment Addington Militia

Lieutenant Colin MacKenzie  1773 – 1850

Colin MacKenzie was the son of Colin MacKenzie Sr, a sergeant with Jessup’s Loyal Rangers and Sarah Powers. Colin Jr. was born at Crown Point, New York and he is listed as a drummer on Jessup’s Muster Roll of 1783 in Captain Peter Drummond’s Coy.

Colin marries Mary Howard on 15 Apr 1794 on Amherst Island on a ceremony performed by Rev. John Langhorn. Mary was the daughter of Lt. John Howard of the King’s Royal Yorkers.

Colin takes the rank of Lieutenant on 22 Feb 1813 in the Addington Militia and served throughout the war, appearing on the 1815 Muster Roll.

David Lockwood
1st Regiment Addington Militia

Ensign David Lockwood 1770-1821

David Lockwood was born in Manchester, Vermont. He was the son of Sjt. Joseph Lockwood ( b.1730 ) who served under General Burgoyne.  After the capture of Burgoyne, his father went to New York where he died. David and his widowed mother Rachel Mallory came to Sorel, Quebec. His mother married Captain Jeptha Hawley and made their way to Ernesttown ( Bath ) in 1784.  Their house still stands at the west end of the village.

David married Hannah Fraser on 1 Jul 1792. They were married by Rev. John Langhorn. He takes the rank of Ensign on 19 Oct 1809 in the 1st Regiment Addington Militia and serves during the War of 1812.

Norris Brisco
1st Regiment Addington Militia

Captain Norris Brisco  1764-1849

Norris ( Nathan ) Brisco arrived from the Green Mountain state of Vermont. His parents Isaac Brisco and Ruth Hawley. Norris was from New Milford Connecticut and was married to Elizabeth ( Elizabeth was from Saratoga Co, New York ) on 19 Jan 1795. They had seven children.

He takes a commission as the Captain of the 1st Addington Regiment Militia on 14 Oct 1809 and holds that rank until the end of the war ( Muster List for the 1st Regiment Addinton Militia 1815). Norris and Elizabeth are buried at St. John’s Cemetery in Bath.