Commanding Officer: Captain John Bostwick
Jacob Yeigh
Mathias Woodley
Oxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Captain John Malcolm’s Company
John Winegarden
Oxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Captain John Malcolm’s Company
Haggai Westbrook
Oxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Captain John Malcolm’s Company
William Daniel Bowen
Oxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Lieutent. Colonel Bostwick
Josiah Brown
Oxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Captain Marvel White’s 1st Flank Co.
Ebenezer Willson
Flank Company
2nd Regiment Lincoln Militia
Ebenezer Willson was born on or about 3 May 1796 in New Jersey, USA to John and Rachel (Drake) Willson. They moved their family to Canada from the United States along with 17 other families. They settled in the Jersey Settlement (now Jerseyville) in Ancaster Township in 1804.
Continue reading Ebenezer Willson
Flank Company
2nd Regiment Lincoln Militia
William BrownOxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Captain Edward Watson’s Company
Solomon Phelps
Oxford Militia
Commanding Officer: Captain Bela Brewster Brigham’s Rifle Company
Charles Strange Perley
Commanding Officers: Captains Mitchell and John Bostwick