Walter Storey
Flank Company
1st Regiment Middlesex Militia

Very little is available about Walter Story. He was 29 at the beginning of the War of 1812. Born in Ireland about 1783, he moved to Pennsylvania in 1800 and then to Upper Canada in 1809 with his extended family, settling in the Talbot Settlement on Lake Erie. He farmed and remained single. He died the 12th of February, 1831, and was buried in St. Peter’s Cemetery, Dunwich Township.

Continue reading Walter Storey
Flank Company
1st Regiment Middlesex Militia

Thomas Talbot
1st Regiment Middlesex Militia

Colonel the Honourable Thomas Talbot was born into an Anglo-Irish aristocratic family, on ancestral lands in Malahide, Republic of Ireland, which the Talbots had owned since the 12th century. He was born on July 19, 1771, the fourth of twelve children. At the age of 11, he was commissioned ensign in the 66th Regiment of Foot, British Army. In February, 1792, at 20 years of age, he was in Montreal with the 24th Foot when he was named private secretary to John Graves Simcoe, the first lieutenant governor of the new province of Upper Canada. With Simcoe, and later on Simcoe’s behalf, Talbot traveled extensively between York and Detroit, bounded by the Thames River and the Lake Erie shoreline.

Continue reading Thomas Talbot
1st Regiment Middlesex Militia

William Wintermute
Niagara Light Dragoons

William Wintermute, (1795-1871) was born in Bertie Township, Ontario  and served in the Niagara Light Dragoons during the War of 1812. His father, Peter Wintermute, was a corporal in Mckinnon’s Company, Butler’s Rangers. The Wintermutes made a hasty retreat to Canada with Colonel John Butler after the Wyoming Massacre which was fought in front of their stockade (Fort Wintermoot) in July, 1779. The Union flag which flew over their fort on that fateful day (225 rebels were killed with only slight Ranger losses) was brought back to Niagara and eventually stored in the Butler residence in Newark.

Continue reading William Wintermute
Niagara Light Dragoons

Robert Biggar
2nd Flank Company
5th Regiment Lincoln Militia

Robert  Biggar along with his wife Mary Lauder came to Canada in 1806 from Scotland U.K.   Biggar along with his sons fought in the War of 1812 in the 2nd Flank Company 5th Regiment Lincoln Militia under Captain James Durand.  Biggar was awarded a land grant and came to the Mount Pleasant area in 1816.

Continue reading Robert Biggar
2nd Flank Company
5th Regiment Lincoln Militia

The New Graveside Project Site

Welcome to our new site. All the information that was on the old site is on this one. Anyone that had an account with an application, either in the works, or completed, has an account already set up here. You’ll shortly receive your new username and password, but it will take some time as this is not an automatic process. If you require immediate access, please email the web administrator.

This new site has some distinct advantages and we recommend you view the tutorials located on the left side menu under “Video Tutorials.”

We’re currently in the process of formatting each and every application to match style of the site INCLUDING GPS coordinates is taking some time and at this point there are 126 published, 172 pending formatting (that on this website were already published), and 7 drafts that various users are still working on. We’ll get them all up as fast as possible and if you have an urgent need, please email the web administrator.

The reason for this change is to create a system that is more robust, easier to read and use, and quite honestly, more interesting to visit and see what is new. Additionally, we’ve removed the word limit to biographies as well as the number of photos you can submit to the site. Please take the time to properly identify the folks in your photos as they will be captioned.

We hope you like the new look and feel. This change will make the site easier to find on google as well as make it available on every sized screen, including phones.


Graveside Project Team